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    Severe fatigue

    When I came to FMCC I could not walk a flight of stairs. I had gone to countless doctors and no one could diagnose me with anything. They walked me through a step by step process back to health. This took over a year but I had so much trust in them after our first appointment. They helped me with so many lifestyle changes and introduced healthy eating and healthy cooking back into my life, back to the foods my grandmother used to make for me. I began to feel better little by little and at each appointment we sometimes would tweak my treatment and sometimes Dr. Rashid would encourage me to ‘stay the course’. Let me tell you, everything he would say would happen, happened in time. He was very open to testing things I would research if he thought there was a possibility that I may be suffering from that and thanks to that, I realized I was being exposed to a tremendous amount of mold from my air conditioner unit. Dr. Rashid put me in contact with his mold testing expert who let me know what to do to remediate my house. A few months later, the weird skin rash, severe fatigue, insomnia, and many other symptoms I was getting all lifted one by one. I now feel so much better, still working on detoxifying from mold, but I am eternally grateful to the friend who put me in touch with the FMCC office. The best thing about them is that they really listen to my concerns and always appreciated me coming to them with Dr. Google information. Not many doctors are keen to that and I love that they are so up to date on what’s going on with the latest research. Best decision I’ve ever made for my health was to be part of the FMCC family. I highly recommend them! ~C.W