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    I highly recommend FMCC to everyone!

    Before coming to see Analia, I had terrible digestive symptoms and I had not been able to eat regular foods for a long time. Right before I made an appointment, I was having diarrhea for 40 days straight and could keep nothing in. I had gone to so many specialists and all my tests were normal! I loved how in depth they were with their intake and how they helped me navigate through all the information I had gathered through the internet to make sense of what was happening to me. I now live a normal life and am able to live with my autoimmune disease and recognize my triggers. FMCC is such a great practice. I feel so empowered with the knowledge of how to best take care of myself and I know to contact them when things are off. I love how reassuring they are! I feel so extremely lucky to find such a dynamic team here in the Lake Norman area and so close to me. In fact, she ended up seeing my entire family, that’s how much I trust them. ~P.P.