It makes me sick to think all the times I’ve been prescribed antibiotics through the years.
I have quite a history. I’m of advanced age, and with decades of drinking, I quit over a decade ago and I can remember the doctors giving me a prescription for Cipro for excess gas. When I went back because I still wasn’t feeling well from excess gas, burping, belching, bloating, they’d give another prescription for Cipro. I remember when I was diagnosed with diverticulosis, with diverticulitis flare ups they started me on Flagyl and Cipro. It makes me sick to think all the times I’ve been prescribed antibiotics through the years. My health basically got out of control where I was taking so many simethicones at night because excess air would make me so sick, it would give me dry heaves and nausea. I just didn’t sleep. I suffered, I had a bad attitude towards life for a long long time, more than 10 years. I was then put on Omeprazole, one form or another, and I was on those for many years, two a day. I was trying different ones but nothing helped, I was still getting excess gas and burping, lots of burping. I was basically burping so much that it would keep me up at night and I had to take so many simethicone capsules. When I first started working with FMCC I was a mess, I was afraid of everything, I wasn’t sleeping good, I had a bad attitude and Dr. Rashid seemed very knowledgeable so I was willing to try. The one thing that made the biggest difference in my health was really making changes along the way as they suggested. Being on the low FODMAP diet was quite difficult because I had to think about everything I was eating, that was a rough spot, but treating the SIBO with herbal medicines made the biggest impact in my life. I have been with FMCC for over two years and I feel a lot better, my energy is good, I don’t have SIBO anymore and my sleep is so much better. I guess I am a functional medicine success story. I quit drinking because I was sick, after a year or two I quit smoking because I was sick, and it turns out I was still sick after all of that because antibiotics is all the doctors knew what to do with me. One of my family members was smart enough to bring me to FMCC. I would be in better shape had I found them long ago. I can’t thank Dr. Rashid enough for their help. I just can’t thank them enough. ~ D.H....