I am 47 years old and I have tried many SSRI’s. My story is unlike everyone else’s, my labs area all normal and my doctor says it’s all in my head. I just felt ‘blah’. He’s told me to keep trying different SSRI’s until I find the one that I feel best with. I came to FMCC as a last resource and we’ve been working for the last 9 months on my mood. I feel like a different person and my husband can’t believe who I used to be compared to now. There is so much to uncover in functional medicine/nutrition that I was not aware of. I am happy my functional labs have shifted to the more optimal range and my sleep has improved. It’s like a veil has lifted. I very much recommend people explore their health from the functional medicine perspective. It’s been so worth it for me, I now have a different outlook in life and I can enjoy my new grandchild!