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    Patient Procedures

    Practice Policies and Procedures

    We look forward to becoming your partner in assessing and improving your health. Below you’ll find some information about our practice. Please take a few moments to read and review our practice policies and procedures, information about functional medicine as well as our fee schedule, cancellation policy and financial policy.

    Functional Medicine is an evolution in the practice of medicine that better addresses the healthcare needs of the 21st century. By shifting the traditional disease-centered focus of medical practice to a more patient-centered approach, functional medicine addresses the whole person, not just an isolated set of symptoms. Functional Medicine practitioners spend time with their patients, listening to their histories and looking at the interactions among genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors that can influence long-term health and complex, chronic disease. In this way, Functional Medicine supports the unique expression of health and vitality for each individual.

    Why Do We Need Functional Medicine?

    • Our society is experiencing a sharp increase in the number of people who suffer from complex, chronic diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer, mental illness, and autoimmune disorders like rheumatoid arthritis.
    • There’s a huge gap between research and the way doctors practice. The gap between emerging research in basic sciences and integration into medical practice is enormous—as long as 50 years — particularly in the area of complex, chronic illness.
    • The system of medicine practiced by most physicians is oriented toward acute care, the diagnosis and treatment of trauma or illness that is of short duration and in need of urgent care, such as appendicitis or a broken leg.
    • Most physicians are not adequately trained to assess the underlying causes of complex, chronic disease and to apply strategies such as nutrition, diet, and exercise to both treat and prevent these illnesses in their patients.
    • Unfortunately, the acute-care approach to medicine lacks the proper methodology and tools for preventing and treating complex, chronic disease.

    How is Functional Medicine Different?

    Functional Medicine involves understanding the origins, prevention, and treatment of complex, chronic disease. Hallmarks of a Functional Medicine approach include:

    • Patient-centered care. The focus of functional medicine is on patient-centered care, promoting health as a positive vitality, beyond just the absence of disease.
    • An integrative, science-based healthcare approach. Functional Medicine practitioners look “upstream” to consider the complex web of interactions in the patient’s history, physiology, and lifestyle that can lead to illness. The unique genetic makeup of each patient is considered, along with both internal (mind, body and spirit) and external (physical and social environment) factors that affect total functioning.
    • Integrating best medical practices. Functional Medicine integrates traditional Western medical practices with what are sometimes considered “alternative” or “integrative” medicine, creating a focus on prevention through nutrition, diet, and exercise; use of the latest laboratory testing and other diagnostic techniques; and prescribed combinations of drugs and/or botanical medicines, supplements, therapeutic diets, detoxification programs, or stress-management techniques.

    We are a virtual (video or phone) practice only. We do not see patients in person. In your first visit, your practitioner will obtain a complete medical history and review any current labs that you have completed. The key to functional medicine is providing personalized medicine and getting to the root cause of health problems. That generally entails a detailed conversation about your current state of health, health history, family history, diet, lifestyle habits, etc. Your initial visit will last approximately 90 minutes and is primarily an information gathering and sharing session. Your practitioner may make some simple recommendations at this time, but most advice will be deferred until after further lab testing is completed and there has been time to thoughtfully consider your case.

    The second visit is generally scheduled for 5-6 weeks after your initial visit and after your recommended lab test results have returned. This visit will be for 60 minutes and will allow your practitioner to discuss and review your labs and other clinical findings. This includes what may be causing your health problems and what supplementation (vitamin, minerals, herbs), diet, and lifestyle modifications may be needed, as well as any other medications that may be appropriate for your care. Follow-up visits are usually scheduled in approximately 4-6 weeks from this visit to evaluate progress and make any adjustments in your program.

    How often you see a practitioner after your initial treatment protocol is completed will depend on why you are being treated and the complexity of your case. Some healthy people visit Functional Medicine Center of the Carolinas only once a year for wellness screening and lab testing. On the other hand, many people who have multiple complaints are seen more often (4-6 weeks) based on the severity and complexity of their condition.

    Please be aware that recovering from a chronic, complex illness requires a substantial commitment of time, energy, and financial resources. Progress is often circular rather than linear. You may experience periods where your symptoms worsen or your improvements seem to plateau. This is a normal progression and is to be expected. It is important to continue treatment through these cycles to achieve a successful outcome.

    If you would like further information or would like to make a complementary 15-minute discovery appointment, click here.